Thursday, March 5, 2020

I didnt finish the Challenge but still won!

I didnt finish the Challenge but still won! Koko the Polyglot runs his own Language Learning Blog Koko the Polyglot. He has been taking World Cup Language Challenge learning Catalan. We are reposting his original blog with permission. Italki World Cup Language Challenge Week 8: The Results! (Source: ) We are on the last week of the italki World Cup Language Challenge and I’m done to my last sessions with my tutors it’s time to share my results. While the challenge doesn’t officially end until Thursday, I simply will not have the additional time to schedule more sessions at the moment. But what I can say is that I wasn’t able to complete the challenge. However, I got incredibly close though. So how many sessions did I manage to complete this time around? 18 out of 25 which is actually really close to completing the challenge. Unlike the last time where I became overwhelmed with circumstances beyond my control and losing motivation toward the end. How Did It Go? I would say it went really well despite having to deal with moving to a new place and a working full-time. I can honestly say that I progressed so much from this challenge, especially since I chose a language I didn’t have much knowledge in as well. It was great to see how much more I was able to accomplish this time around with the challenge. Each lesson truly motivated me to learn more Catalan. It was also the first language that I did lessons with Professional Teachers as well. I felt like even though I lost I was able to make substantial improvements to my language skills that I wouldn’t have done otherwise. What Happened This Time? I could go on with excuses as to why I wasn’t able to complete the challenge. But let’s just say I was able to continually stay motivated even though I had some major setbacks during the challenge. Those setbacks did cause more delays when it came to scheduling sessions with a tutor but, I was still able to make the most of it while I could. Which mean teaching a lesson on my mobile and using my tablet to take a session with a tutor. It wasn’t until my internet was set up that I was finally able to book sessions at rapid fire. Which meant taking 3 lessons with a tutor on Tuesday and 2 on Wednesday.? Finding Victory In Defeat (Source: ) Yes, I lost the italki World Cup Language Challenge again but, I felt like I was able to reach more of my language goals this time around than had a not participated at all. I wasn’t going to allow being defeat discourage me from reaching my full potential in a new language: Catalan! I would personally like to thank Lindsay of Lindsay Does Languages for encouraging and inspiring me to attempt the italki challenge once again. Instead of allowing my previous defeat get the better of me and not bother trying again. When compared with the previous challenge, I was able to triple the amount of lessons I’ve taken with tutors by being proactive and persistent about seeing this challenge through to the end, even if I didn’t win. Sometimes the real victory comes from being able to admit defeat and not giving up until you accomplish your goals. In this case, I was still able to achieve my goals for Catalan by being able to have a basic conversation about subjects that interest me. In fact, I would like to thank these tutors: here, here, here, and here for really accelerating my learning Catalan to the next level. Jo Practico El Meu Català Ara És plou avui. Hi ha llamps i trons però m’agrada el temps perquè no és massa calurosa. Era un repte molt interessant. Vaig escoltar una varietat de les cançons en Català. Em vaig sentir que el meu català he millorat molt. He tingut més motivació que abans. Vull apprendre Català sempre però no vaig tenir temps ara per ara. La llengua Catalana és una mica d’espanyol, francès, italià, i portuguès. Reconec moltes paraules de francès, espanyol, i italià però és com sentir una llengua totalment diferent alhora. En dijous és el dia final per el repte d’Italki. Gairebé he guanyat el repte d’Italki però jo només he acabat que 18 lliçons. Here’s an example of my written Catalan so far. Feel free to correct if you’re a native speaker of Catalan. Italki World Cup Language Challenge Participants: How did you do? Did you finish the challenge? Almost there? No even close? I would love to hear how you’re doing in these final days of the challenge! I didnt finish the Challenge but still won! Koko the Polyglot runs his own Language Learning Blog Koko the Polyglot. He has been taking World Cup Language Challenge learning Catalan. We are reposting his original blog with permission. Italki World Cup Language Challenge Week 8: The Results! (Source: ) We are on the last week of the italki World Cup Language Challenge and I’m done to my last sessions with my tutors it’s time to share my results. While the challenge doesn’t officially end until Thursday, I simply will not have the additional time to schedule more sessions at the moment. But what I can say is that I wasn’t able to complete the challenge. However, I got incredibly close though. So how many sessions did I manage to complete this time around? 18 out of 25 which is actually really close to completing the challenge. Unlike the last time where I became overwhelmed with circumstances beyond my control and losing motivation toward the end. How Did It Go? I would say it went really well despite having to deal with moving to a new place and a working full-time. I can honestly say that I progressed so much from this challenge, especially since I chose a language I didn’t have much knowledge in as well. It was great to see how much more I was able to accomplish this time around with the challenge. Each lesson truly motivated me to learn more Catalan. It was also the first language that I did lessons with Professional Teachers as well. I felt like even though I lost I was able to make substantial improvements to my language skills that I wouldn’t have done otherwise. What Happened This Time? I could go on with excuses as to why I wasn’t able to complete the challenge. But let’s just say I was able to continually stay motivated even though I had some major setbacks during the challenge. Those setbacks did cause more delays when it came to scheduling sessions with a tutor but, I was still able to make the most of it while I could. Which mean teaching a lesson on my mobile and using my tablet to take a session with a tutor. It wasn’t until my internet was set up that I was finally able to book sessions at rapid fire. Which meant taking 3 lessons with a tutor on Tuesday and 2 on Wednesday.? Finding Victory In Defeat (Source: ) Yes, I lost the italki World Cup Language Challenge again but, I felt like I was able to reach more of my language goals this time around than had a not participated at all. I wasn’t going to allow being defeat discourage me from reaching my full potential in a new language: Catalan! I would personally like to thank Lindsay of Lindsay Does Languages for encouraging and inspiring me to attempt the italki challenge once again. Instead of allowing my previous defeat get the better of me and not bother trying again. When compared with the previous challenge, I was able to triple the amount of lessons I’ve taken with tutors by being proactive and persistent about seeing this challenge through to the end, even if I didn’t win. Sometimes the real victory comes from being able to admit defeat and not giving up until you accomplish your goals. In this case, I was still able to achieve my goals for Catalan by being able to have a basic conversation about subjects that interest me. In fact, I would like to thank these tutors: here, here, here, and here for really accelerating my learning Catalan to the next level. Jo Practico El Meu Català Ara És plou avui. Hi ha llamps i trons però m’agrada el temps perquè no és massa calurosa. Era un repte molt interessant. Vaig escoltar una varietat de les cançons en Català. Em vaig sentir que el meu català he millorat molt. He tingut més motivació que abans. Vull apprendre Català sempre però no vaig tenir temps ara per ara. La llengua Catalana és una mica d’espanyol, francès, italià, i portuguès. Reconec moltes paraules de francès, espanyol, i italià però és com sentir una llengua totalment diferent alhora. En dijous és el dia final per el repte d’Italki. Gairebé he guanyat el repte d’Italki però jo només he acabat que 18 lliçons. Here’s an example of my written Catalan so far. Feel free to correct if you’re a native speaker of Catalan. Italki World Cup Language Challenge Participants: How did you do? Did you finish the challenge? Almost there? No even close? I would love to hear how you’re doing in these final days of the challenge!

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